
Promising Raw Folkish Unblack - 64%

05.09.2012 12:51
I had almost begun to give up on some of the more underground (and I speak in relative terms here) "raw unblack metal" until I heard this little unknown band. After hearing the half-dead croaking of the latest stalwarts of bedroom black metal, I was left shaking my dead. But this Pilgrimage...

Blackmetaloví pútnici na ceste k Bohu

05.09.2012 12:50
Rozhovor s Pilgrimage Jeden nemenovaný black metalový zine s nami spravil rozhovor, a potom ho nechcel zverejniť (pravdepodobne im naše vierovyznanie bolo tŕňom v oku), ale ďakujeme Marekovi Dankovi z musicone.sk za jeho zverejnenie a ochotu ...